
We are called to be lights in this world.

We are to shine the Light of Jesus wherever we go — in our homes, jobs, & community. Often it can feel like you are the ONLY light out there. That is why it is so important to be a part of a community! On the days you may feel like you can't shine brightly anymore, others can come alongside you to lift you up and walk with you. Join us & grow in your relationship with Christ through prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and service!

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
-Proverbs 27:17 NIV

small group Bible studies

Fridays at 10:00 AM

Friday Morning Discipleship

FBC Lakewood

Facilitator: Pastor Phil Roy

Fridays @ 10:00 AM beginning February 14 in Room 135

“Agents of the Apocalypse” – a 10-week co-ed study on the book of Revelation.

Gain insight on the nine individuals and groups who will populate the world stage at the end of the age. As we better understand these key individuals and how they are in God's master plan for this world, it strengthens our resolve to stand firm in the face of worsening circumstances. Facilitator: Pastor Phil Roy. *This class will be offered at two different times.


Mondays at 6:30 PM

Monday Night Discipleship

FBC Lakewood

Facilitator: Pastor Phil Roy

Mondays @ 6:30 PM beginning February 10 in Room 135

“Agents of the Apocalypse” – a 10-week co-ed study on the book of Revelation.

Gain insight on the nine individuals and groups who will populate the world stage at the end of the age. As we better understand these key individuals and how they are in God's master plan for this world, it strengthens our resolve to stand firm in the face of worsening circumstances. Facilitator: Pastor Phil Roy. *This class will be offered at two different times.


Thursdays at 6:30 PM

Thursday Night Men's Bible Study

FBC Lakewood

Facilitator: Alan Sloan

Thursdays @ 6:30 PM beginning February 13 in Room 130 

“The Man Code” – a 6-week men’s study. The Man Code is a powerful tool to help men reorganize their thoughts and revolutionize their lives by learning to form meaningful relationships, starting with God and branching out from there. Facilitator: Alan Sloan.


Tuesdays at 6 PM

Men's Bible Study

FBC Lakewood

Facilitator: Keith Griggs

This Tuesday evening men's Bible study will resume in mid-February with a study in the book of Proverbs. For more information, send Keith an email at

Every Wednesday, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Bible Study Fellowship (Women's class)

Download: Download Event

FBCL is honored to be a host church for this Ladies’ BSF group again! The 2024-2025 class year runs from September 2024 to May 2025. This class year, BSF is studying Revelation. A preschool & school-age program is also available.

For more info, Follow this weblink ( or simply show up for class on Wednesday morning, & they will get you registered on site!

Every Tuesday, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Women's Precept Bible Study

Facilitator: Betty Bostwick

The Ladies' Precept class is currently studying The Covenant.

See this incredible thread running from Genesis through Revelation. God enters into a binding agreement with His people and always keeps His promises. Trusting Him as a covenant partner frees us from the bondage of worry and anxiety. This study will transform the way you read the Scriptures!

Using observation (what does it say?), interpretation (what does it mean?), and application (what does it mean for my life?), we will use the inductive Bible study method as a valuable tool in understanding and applying the principles of God’s Word.

Every Sunday, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Sunday School

Download: Download Event

Sunday School is an integral part of the life of First Baptist Church of Lakewood. It is our main form of small group Bible study for all ages. It can be difficult to create & cultivate friendships in a large setting like a worship service, but Sunday School classes allow opportunities to build relationships & walk "shoulder to shoulder" through the ups & downs in life.

Every Tuesday, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Men's Bible Study

Facilitator: John Laine

This men's Bible study is currently going through John MacArthur's study of the books of 1 & 2 Corinthians, exploring the doctrinal truths Paul outlines related to sin and righteousness and how to lead a godly life, as well as Paul’s words against false teachers in the church and the need to always focus on Christ.